Executive Director Speech

  • Mr. Mohamed Khaled Al-Khamer
    Mr. Mohamed Khaled Al-Khamer Executive Director
The places and times differ, yet the human value remains entrenched, but it needs someone to take care of it and water its seeds so that it can bear fruit and give generously. It has no value comparable to youth and voluntary work, and because it has no limits, our institution had a great honor in containing the idea and guiding young people and volunteers of different skills and inclinations. Volunteering is of different types and fields, and youth energies are diverse. Six years, the Volunteers Foundation painted the most beautiful paintings of youth and volunteer work and colored them with youth efforts, so the details of them overlap with their love and giving, so that the visitor moves to this great exhibition in the wide community and turns his eyes on him, so that perfection, sincerity and the splendor of creativity appear before him with projects that put their mark in education, empowerment, youth capacity building, improving community livelihoods, health, water and protection And others that touched each beneficiary and filled his needs with all the meanings, principles and values of the concept of youth work. Volunteers Foundation has provided many services with the aim of qualifying youth and voluntary teams and directing them to the right steps to advance to institutional work and at the individual level to spread the culture of youth and volunteer work as a human value. Wherever youth and volunteer work is found, you will find volunteers.